
Blessingway is a wonderful ceremony to celebrate and support the Rite of Passage for women. This is an enriching experience for women to gather and share wisdoms, stories, blessings, rituals and circle together in a sacred space, as we bear witness to the transformation of a sister to the next stage on her journey.

It creates an opportunity to remind your close friends and significant family members that they are also important people in your life. To let them know that you treasure the memories that you share from the past and that you value their ongoing love and support as you step forward into the next chapter of their life, whatever that may be, as a wife, mother, or wisdom keeper. 

Blessingway Services

  • group of women in circle outside

    Bridal Blessing Circles

    Our beautiful Bride to be blessingways are such a wonderful ceremony to celebrate and support the Rite of Passage for women and our journey into new beginnings.

    The circle acts as a portal for both storytelling and holding divine feminine space for compassion, oneness and love, friendships, connection, wisdom and harmony.

    Opening your hearts to honour the milestones, trials and tribulations that have brought you here now, in this moment.

  • group of women sitting in circle at home

    Mother Blessing

    A Mother’s Blessing is a sacred ceremony that honours the rite of passage from maiden to mother.

    A Mother’s Blessing is very different to a traditional baby shower.

    A Mother’s Blessing focuses on honouring the mother and holding space for her as she embarks on this incredible life changing rite of passage and transitions from maiden to mother. The underlying intention is to fill her with love, strength, support and encouragement as she embarks on this special journey.

    Mother’s Blessing is held pre-birth, and can be organised by friends or by the mama herself.

Blessingway Pricing

  • $500 for 2 hour circle

  • Max of 10 people

    • An initial meeting with the hostess and guest of honour to plan the ceremony activities; this meeting is held on zoom and takes 40 minutes

    • You choose where you would like the ceremony to be held

    • Beautiful feminine centre-piece with rose quartz crystals, and sacred circle grid

    • Setting intention and welcoming you to a sacred and safe space embodying the sacred feminine energy

    • Lifting your vibration with heart opening music, crystal singing bowl and oracle cards, affirmations

    • A sharing experience and stories among the sisters in the sacred space and the relevance to her in their lives

    • A Blessingway ritual honouring the Rite of Passage and blessings

    • Host Gift bag - to remember the day and support her on her journey

To book a Blessingway

Please fill out the form below.